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Dynamic routes

Create a dynamic route in Islandy by adding a dynamic segment to the route name in the routes' file name on disk: /hello/[name].js.

The /about route created on the last page is pretty static. It does not matter what query or path parameters are passed to the route, it will always render the same page. Let's create a /hello/:name that will render a page with a greeting that contains the name passed in the path.

Route parameters are named URL segments that are used to capture the values specified at their position in the URL. The captured values are populated in the req.params object, with the name of the route parameter specified in the path as their respective keys.

For example, the /hello/:name route will match the paths /hello/guille and /hello/eevee, but not /hello or /hello/guille/paz.

Islandy supports dynamic routes out of the box through file system routing. To define routes with route parameters, just put square brackets around that segment in the file name.

For example the /hello/:name route maps to the file name routes/hello/[name].js.

Just like the static /about route, the dynamic /hello/:name route will render a page. The module must once again expose a component as a default export. This time the component will receive the matched path segment properties as arguments in its props object though.

// routes/hello/[name].js

export default function Hello(props) {
  const { name } = props.params;
  return (
      <p>Hello, {name}!</p>

Navigating to https://localhost:8080/hello/pazguille will now render a page showing "Hello, pazguille!".